Surview - The online survey platform

The online survey platform

العربية English

360 Degree Employee Evaluation

1. My First Page
Q1. Please enter the details below:
Q2. In your opinion, how hardworking is [Employee Name]?
Q3. How often does [Employee Name] come late to office?
Q4. In your opinion, how efficient is [Employee Name]?
Q5. In your opinion, how willing is [Employee Name] in admitting his/her mistake?
Q6. In your opinion, how helpful is [Employee Name] to his/her co-workers?
Q7. In your opinion, how well does [Employee Name] work with clients?
Q8. In your opinion, how trustworthy is [Employee Name]?
Q9. In your opinion, how clearly does [Employee Name] communicate with others?
Q10. In your opinion, how professional is [Employee Name]in his/her work?
Q11. In your opinion, how is the impact of [Employee Name] on the team?
Q12. Can you please let us know the areas in which [Employee Name] should improve his/her performance?

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