Surview - The online survey platform

The online survey platform

العربية English

Customer Attitudes Survey

1. My First Page
Q1. Rate your satisfaction level according to the following: (Very dissatisfied) 1 - - 2 - - 3 - - 4 - - 5 (Very satisfied)
Product marketing
Product usability
Product design
Delivery time
1.1 Product marketing

1.2 Product usability

1.3 Product design

1.4 Delivery time

Q2. Please confirm your gender:
Q3. What age group do you belong to?
Q4. What is your current annual household income?
Q5. How often do you buy luxury products/services?
Q6. How did you feel about the product/service experience? Comment briefly below. What potential products/services are you interested in? List them below. What unavailable products/services would interest you? Suggest them below. Overall, how satisfied were you with the product/service?

Debug Data (Page Randomization)
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Last Page Served 1
IsPageRandomizationApplied InActive
Page Randomization Format NA
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Flip Survey Load Request Counter 0
Pages Loaded So Far (Progress) 1
Total Survey Pages (Progress) 1
Debug Data (Question Randomization)
Is Question Randomization Applied False
Question Randomization Format NA
Page Load Request Counter 0
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