Surview - The online survey platform

The online survey platform

العربية English

Customer Intention Tracking Survey

1. My First Page
Q1. Rate the product marketing based on the following: (Poor) 1 - - 2 - - 3 - - 4 - - 5 (Excellent)
1.1 Appeal

1.2 Novelty

1.3 Availability

1.4 Usefulness

Q2. Have you bought this product before?
Q3. If yes, how often and how many? Have you bought similar products before?
Q4. Have you tried any of its competitors?
Q5. What about the product made you decide to buy it? Please specify below.
Q6. What do you like most about this product? Please comment below.
Q7. What can be done to make this product more appealing? Please comment below.

Debug Data (Page Randomization)
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Last Page Served 1
IsPageRandomizationApplied InActive
Page Randomization Format NA
Flip Page Format Direction NA
Flip Survey Load Request Counter 0
Pages Loaded So Far (Progress) 1
Total Survey Pages (Progress) 1
Debug Data (Question Randomization)
Is Question Randomization Applied False
Question Randomization Format NA
Page Load Request Counter 0
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