Surview - The online survey platform

The online survey platform

العربية English

Dental Care Survey - Template

1. My First Page
Q1. Do you presently have a dentist that you visit on a regular basis?
Q2. How did you find your dentist?

Q3. The most common reason for not going to the dentist is:

Q4. Since when have you made regular visits to the current dentist?
Q5. Do members of your household go to:
Q6. How often do you go to the dentist for checkups?
Q7. Would you like your dentist to notify you when it is time for a check-up?
Q8. How would you prefer to receive this notice?

Q9. What do you like best about your personal dentist?
Q10. What would you suggest that might make a visit to your dentist more pleasurable?

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Total Survey Pages (Progress) 1
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Is Question Randomization Applied False
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