Surview - The online survey platform

The online survey platform

العربية English

Employee- Employee Attitudes Survey Template

1. My First Page
Q1. Rate your ease towards communicating with the following groups of people, where applicable. (Very difficult) 1 - - 2 - - 3 - - 4 - - 5 (Very easy)
Working Colleagues
Immediate Supervisor
Middle Management (Regional Manager)
Upper Management (CEO, CFO)
1.1 Employees

1.2 Working Colleagues

1.3 Immediate Supervisor

1.4 Management

1.5 Middle Management (Regional Manager)

1.6 Upper Management (CEO, CFO)

Q2. How satisfied are you with your current work-life balance?
Q3. Do you feel qualified to handle your current scope of work?
Q4. Are you given enough mentoring and tutelage for your current work?
Q5. Do you feel like you are given creative space to work with?
Q6. Do you feel connected to the company and its people?
Q7. Do you feel that your boss and supervisors care about you?
Q8. Do you feel that your boss and supervisors care about you?
Q9. Do you feel respected in your workplace?
Q10. Do you feel that the company values your talent?

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